Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to the theme of week 8, Character, environment, and events, I decided to continue developing the mascot of my application, Socky. The aim is to make the character more engaging with the interface.
Socky is a project I’m making for my Illusion of Life class. By the time I start with this week's assignment, I’m already in the middle of the process with the character. Here are some of the tests I have created:

My task now is to furthermore improve the character. I want to make the character relate back to the environment (the interface) and the event (the interaction on the app). Currently, the character is just a bunch of attributes and it needs to share more empathy.
One of the things I think of is to take inspiration from a snake. Socky is now kind of a sock-snake hybrid. It will go around the interface like that snake in the classic game on Nokia.

Another thing I think about is to turn Socky into a character that delivers positivity. It is going to be a creature born from the happiness of finding lost socks. Socky knows that its mission is to do anything it can to help the socks find their home. That is the reason why it is willing to turn into anything to represent the categories of socks. I plan to use these illustrations for the categories section in my interface.

About This Work

By Linh Nguyen
Email Linh Nguyen
Published On: 05/07/2020

