Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to the theme of time, I made a 3D animation using Blender. I wanted to depict various lights- suns- moving through the sky as seen through a prison window.

By making the various lights move I showed that time is passing. It's a very commonly used technique in film and even interactive works.

This work was pretty heavily inspired by a video game described in Cixin Liu's novel "The Three Body Problem". In the game, an Earth-like world is subject to chaotic eras where celestial bodies do not seem to follow a decipherable pattern, which of course results in the total annihilation of society. In MY world, there are three suns, one yellow, one blue and one pink (also a loose interpretation of something else from the game in Liu's novel), and the prisoner watches them all fly around through the window of her cell in the middle of a chaotic era.

About This Work

By Harry Hughes
Email Harry Hughes
Published On: 23/04/2020


CPS, CPS Week 7