Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Event

Method: 2D drawing frame by frame over video.

Context: In context of dopey animation from Sean Charmatz


Considering the events are unexpected things that happen and cause affects to certain objects, I decide to choose one object and take a short video clip of them. I got inspired by the work of Sean Charmart and I think that would be fascinating to create characters with emotions simply by few simple drawing lines. I then watched the videos over again while thinking about the context of how the object would response. This is the first time I try to create drawing lines that has to follow the trackings of the videos, and it turns out to meet more difficulties than I expected. If the video is unstablised, the tracking system is shaky and hard to have  the clear visual animatic lines on the objects. What really interesting about this process is that since I draw as I go in the way I thought it would make sense to the objects to fit in the context, it turns out not very appropriate when I replay the video, and thus, I have to draw it over again. The outcome is a short video uploaded to the site.

About This Work

By Bach Pham
Email Bach Pham
Published On: 25/10/2019