Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


  • Introducing a few more objects into the sandbox and seeing what they look like out of context and if I can affect them with my ‘mood controller’
  • I want to add some assets to my Unity project space so I can have a play with them in subsequent weeks. This includes models, sounds, skyboxes and maybe some functional assets like camera controllers or player controllers.


  • Search online libraries and the Unity asset store for assets which might be interesting to include in the project
  • Get previous script to instantiate these objects or place them in the scene somehow
  • Have mood controller adjust these objects and observe how I interpret them in this unfamiliar context


  • I found an array of ambient sounds I’ve added to the project although I haven’t yet been able to set up the mood controller to adjust which sounds are playing yet.
  • I also found a food model asset pack which I thought could be good for the objects I spawn into the scene.
  • I managed to get my spawning script to work with a variety of food objects although the colour change aspect isn’t working with them yet. I will keep working on this, at this stage I have managed to create a few food forrests but not much more.

About This Work

By Nick Margerison
Email Nick Margerison
Published On: 11/09/2019






