Objects Are Not Exhausted
“Love, Death and Robots: Three Robots” - Episode 2 of Love, Death and Robots, an animated anthology of short, unrelated science fiction stories. Episode 2 sees three robots embark on a post-apocalyptic New York City years after all humans have died out. Throughout the episode they find, observe and discuss common human items including a basketball, wondering how it was used and how it was ever seen as ‘fun’.
Inspired by this episode of LDR, I take a similar approach to the robots in examining my chosen object. My object for this exercise is a Moka Coffee Pot. I chose this as it is a central object in my Studio 2 animation. In this exercise I view it through the filter of ‘what can it be if you didn’t know it was a coffee maker?’ I will create a small series of sketches to visualise my ideas, answering the question in a playful manner.
By Ika Jumali
Email Ika Jumali
Published On: 10/04/2019