Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In Week 5 of CPS, we explored Object Oriented Ontology and how objects in the world exist regardless of humans. So, I took the elements of my studio 1 project (goldfish, lake, lotus) and examined how they related to each other.

First, I was thinking about having a top view of a lake with a lotus floating and a goldfish swimming below the translucent water. However, I discarded that idea for a more dimensional view of the same setting so that it would not be viewed from a human perspective.

I decided on making it in the shape of a goldfish bowl for an added flair, but towards the end, it sadly started to look less isometric than I had planned. More improvements I could have made is in animating the fish and water ripples more smoothly.

I was inspired by Corinne Caro and her collection of ‘Contained Environments’ that depicts objects removed from the larger world at hand in isometric slices. I felt like these were a great way of depicting objects co-existing in a non-human perspective.

Process Video

#kaykay ##kkcps

About This Work

By Kay
Email Kay
Published On: 02/04/2020








#CPS, #CPS Week 5