Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Discussions of Place

Semi abstract four panel comic about how we relate and remember a space and how emotions can be tied strongly to a space and effect how we navigate it. The abstract blue section is an emotional overlay moving through the space. A comic based on a personal memory/experience of a section of my daily walk to and from uni. At a particularly sad but extremely busy time of my life last year, I used to literally schedule crying time during this part of the walk. So I could get it out of my system in order to continue with whatever tasks I needed to get done when I got home. Even now, in a much happier emotional space every time I walk through this section of my walk home I strongly remember these emotions or this period of time. This comic is a reflection of the mental spaces we create for physical spaces.


  • Gizem Vural
    Abstract illustration and comics often expressing emotional states through mark making, colours and texture
  • Psychogeography
    A term first coined by theorist Guy Debord in 1950s emergent of the Situationist movement. It focuses on the psychological experiences of urban environments and shines a light on the intersection of Place, Memory and Affect. Psychogeographers (writers, poets, philosophers) ‘drift’ and get lost in urban worlds to connect better with the city around them and use their emotions to guide them - making an emotional map of the city. 

About This Work

By Ika Jumali
Email Ika Jumali
Published On: 10/04/2019








CPS, CPS Week 4