Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

I've always wanted to make pixel art but could never justify investing a huge chunk of time into developing a technique that I won't be using regularly. So, I decided to tinker with pixel art in GIMP, an art program I've never used before.

I referenced pixel artist Yuuta Toyoi who is well known for his beautiful pixel art gifs for inspiration.

Then I changed the sizes of GIMP's canvas and brushes so that they would accommodate pixel art and started tinkering away.

At first, the software frustrated me with all the tools and shortcuts in places I'm not familiar with, but by the end of the session, I became more used to GIMP. In terms of user-friendliness and features, I still prefer Clip Studio Paint over GIMP, but I'm glad I took the chance to broaden my horizons with new software.

However, it became clear to me that pixel art followed a special set of art rules separate from usual digital art. Through the tinkering session, I did manage to create a full character, a simple background, and a few minor objects. I'm not entirely happy with the result but I suppose it's an understandable result of my first steps into the wondrous world of pixel art.

#kaykay #kkcps

About This Work

By Kay
Email Kay
Published On: 12/03/2020


CPS, CPS Week 2





