Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


A treasure hunt game in an abandoned building, where the player has to interact with objects to final all of my CPS work.


For the reflective archive, I built a game in Unity, where the user has to go around and find all of my weekly posts. My initial plan was to create an interactive experience where the user can go and look at all my folio posts, like in a museum. But as I was planning for the game, I thought why not just make one of my weekly work as the location for the treasure hunt.

First, I planned and finished prototyping the main mechanic of the game i.e. picking up the items, checking the annotations, and storing it into the inventory. After I was done with the prototype, I started working on the models that I was going to use in the game. I had 6 out of 8 physical models that I had to make, 2 picture frames for the images that I did in week 1 and 8, 2 albums for the collection of images from week 2 and 9, 1 3D model for the model that I made in week 3, and 1 house that was to be set as the main location for the treasure hunt. The house in the game was supposed to be a replacement for the building that I did in week 4, as the building model that I did for the weekly project was not suitable to be put in the game.

After finishing up the models and their textures in Maya, I imported them into Unity and started setting up everything. I used the sun-moon cycle that I built in week 7, to allow the users to be able to control the time inside the game. And to show the movie that I made for week 5, I put a plane on the backside of the house playing the movie. This is how I covered every single weekly object that I did for my CPS class.

After putting up everything in place and making everything work, I put a win condition in the game, to give the users some kind of objective when playing the game. I built a system that instantiated the objects at random positions, to make the game more interesting and challenging. I created an environment around the main game area using Unity’s standard assets, to make the game look more alive. And when all of these were done, I had a game that connected all of my weekly posts but also could stand alone on its own.

About This Work

By Atul Shakya
Email Atul Shakya
Published On: 04/06/2020


#CPS, #CPS Week 12