Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This is the submission for week 1 theme: Observation for our CPS lecture.

In response to the theme of observation, I made a drawing of my cat using an ipad and pen to familiarise myself with drawing digitally. 

By paying attention to, and observing my cat's mannerisms, I showed what I imagined the cat might be thinking and tried to represent that by approching it with basic shapes first and then try and portray it with some light exaggerations. I interact with my cat daily, but it's never been with the intention to observe. That's why I tried to create something based on her behaviour, my observation and in turn, my imagination based on those two factors.

Similar work has been produced by Mitch Leeuwe, whose works of art explore this theme by observing objects, breaking them down into simpler shapes, drawing a basic design first and then exaggerate it to tell a story. (URL)

About This Work

By Priyankar Ray
Email Priyankar Ray
Published On: 04/03/2021