Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

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In response to the theme of time, I produced a slitscan footage in a few places. When I was in my teens, I love playing with scanner and scan everything like myself and my cat, and random stuff. The unique visual formed is always intriguing to me, later I knew that is called slitscanning. When I came across the topic of time. I contemplate why I find it interesting. In Chinese, Time is called 時(the walking of sun) 間 (interval), I reckon this could be translated into two major aspects:
-a percepted instant (walking of sun, things allow human to percept difference of time), I reckon the fundamental unit of our reality
-the linearity of time, the sequence

Slitscanning twists our percepted instant, usually our captured instant capture only a single unit of time, but Slitscanned imageries consisted of multiple parts of a visual in multiple time units and composed as a new percepted instant (a frame of the video/ image). And interestingly the way to slit the screens will distort the shape of the beings.
Imagine a higher beings who could visually perceive time, the shape of beings / things could be different to them. (everything might look like a sausage? LOL)

By using TimeMachine Chop in TouchDesigner which is able to rearrange recorded frames according to inputs, I showed that the perceptable visual could be composed of different captured times. And I could create different effects by tinkering the interval and through different ramps. This time I used footages in my previous trips to japan and the delayed frame effects added a sense of dreaminess to the whole look.

Similar work has been done by Professor Andrew Davidhazy.[]( He produced images that are playing around with the concept of time. There are collection of slitscanned faces, hyperspeed photography of a bullet and stuff. I can’t help but think that photography and imageing does help human to perceive our reality in a much broader sense. I am very inspired.

Davidhazy, A., 2022. Andrew Davidhazy. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 6 May 2022].

About This Work

By Izac, Kin Kui Ho
Email Izac, Kin Kui Ho
Published On: 04/05/2022






component work
