Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Character, Place & Simulation Week 9's Class Activity

Creating the perception of a Day and Night cycle


In relation to my major project for MAGI, I used this task to better formulate a plan of how my game's day and night cylce might take shape.

My audio videogame is based within rural Australia, I needed to keep this in mind when listing the different Foley and Ambiance sounds that would be sourced to form the scene. It is paramount that the individual pieces of audio fit for the setting, perhaps more so, for this project as it is entirley audio.


Taking pen (or pencil) to paper, I began jotting down the first things that came to mind, when I thought of Australia's rural day and night sounds.

Some examples inclued the noting of different common australian animals;


  • Maggies (Magpies) crack of dawn worbal (approx. 2am-7am if they are anything like the maggie outside my window -_-).
  • Minor Birds idle chirping, sporadic ambiance.
  • Kookabara(s) Once in Morning, Noon and early evening.


  • Owls hooting - Proximity / Ambiance
  • Bats screeching - Ambiance
  • Crickets - Ambiance
  • Frogs - Ambiance / Proximity will be louder
  • Possums 'hair raising' cry (anything like 'Borus' outside my bedroom window, he will screech just as I've fallen alseep) - Proximity


  • Distant Hi-Way rumble of trucks changing gears - once ever 10-15mins.
  • Grandma's Radio cycling through morning and evening news, with music playing from 10am-6pm, Static 10pm-5am. - Proximity get's louder (inside)
  • Breez rustling through trees - Ambiance (outside)


My response is the scanned image of my 'Time Audio' list, as described above in the 'Method' section.

About This Work

By Maeskye Trigg
Email Maeskye Trigg
Published On: 19/09/2018






major work, sketch


Audio, CPS, Project Ideation, s3490713, CPS Week 9, Time as a Material