Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Abstraction


Abstraction in Sounds:

Inspired by a paragraph from Nick Nesbitt: “Noise is the empirical body of abstract information, that which both grounds and confounds the transmission of a signal: the buzzing of a guitar string, the humming of a phone line, the particular quality and register of a person’s voice. At the extreme limits of abstraction, this noise is what is suppressed— the guitar noise is virtually irrelevant to the pitch it plays, the humming of the phone line and the quality of the voice speaking are virtually irrelevant to the words spoken.”

Approaching the concept of abstract sounds for this week’s theme by utilising the sounds heard from inside of my apartment. While stripping original sounds of what they are known for and listening to sounds that are derived from its original context, speeches, or narrative.


Record sounds that can be heard from inside the apartment and some sounds produced by everyday objects without the intention of creating a pattern. (Natural sounds produced by the objects)


After collecting the sounds, I put them together in Audacity (a free sound editor app) and edited them to be very distorted from it’s original sounds and create an abstract almost musical result. Pulling them far away from what they’re originally are and tried to create a very omnious out of worldly sounds.


Deeply encouraged to do something out of my field, which is animation, I came back to sounds. I had become a little bit more familiar with it and I want to tackle it again in a form that’s out of my reach. I always had an interest in approaching objects to ‘recreate’ them or re-model them into something that wasn’t thought of upon. I like my way of spontaneously tackling the definition of objects, that way I won’t ever produce the same work. My work has always been similar to each other, especially the little vignettes that I do for both IOL and APD, but none of them were exactly the same or produced in a same manner.

Without the intention of making patterns that produce music in a way, but to make the audience listen to the sounds as sounds, not as a representation of any objects, narrative, or musical notes. Evoking their own perspective and approach to the distortions without having other visual elements to indicate what the sounds are supposed to be.  

About This Work

By Clarice Tan
Email Clarice Tan
Published On: 19/05/2020