Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Body


The body theme is fantastic, it gives me an opportunity to try different things. At first I had no idea what I should do, and I  heard the same negative news from lots of my peers. While some of us were sharing the feelings ,I realized we were all exhausted from doing all the assignments. Besides, due to lockdown, everyone's mental suffering has reached a peak.

I thought of my own condition, I hardly sleep recently, no matter how late I fall asleep, I wake up early in the morning. It feels like there's a sound stuck in my head and tells me I haven't done my work and I don't deserve sleep. The sound has become a nightmare to me.It forms an infinite loop that I couldn't get rid of it. Thus, the first idea of my assignments emerged.( )However, I am not satisfied with the result since it's not as unconventional as I expected. I keep exploring how the body part could be used as my object in my animation. It occurred to me that I could use the deform effect in C4D to create the infinite loops with limbs. The second result of my work appears. An infinite loop of hands.


For the first work, I took a live shot at first and created the mouth model in c4d.Initially,I want to track the mouth on  my bed room wall, but the tracking points I stick on the wall are too small, it can't be analyzed by software. Thus, cut the live shot into different shot and deleted the wall part, edited the animated mouth between the two shot.(Credit to my sister for being such a good actress )The I using the robot voice for my lines and record my horrible voice as the “Ah” background sound.

For the second animation loop , I completed it in C4d with modeling and using deforms to create animation. Then edited the color in After effects.

During the process, I've learnt lots of new skills in C4d,such as how to use tracking ,pose morph , deforms, etc. I think the part of trying different methods to create my work demonstrates Play. Even though some of the works are not as successful as it's in my head, the exploring part is fun.


This is the most experimental week for my APD assignment.

I've learned lots of new things, such as how to use motion tracking in c4d and what kind of live shot could be better tracked with software. During the exploration, there are several failed pieces of my experiments. Even the results have been presented in two different works. And I am pretty happy with the final look of the infinite hand.


Philipp , S 2014, Limbs, Behance, March 7th 2014, viewed 28 September 2020, <>.

Jun , K  2013, Olimpia, Behance, August 17th 2013, viewed 28 September 2020, <>.

About This Work

By Chloe Ma
Email Chloe Ma
Published On: 30/09/2020