Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Sound


Sound and vision are inseparable. Just as whenever I hear good music, even if there is only audio and no video, images will appear in my mind.

The installation from Eric Raynaud aka Fraction ( inspired me. The artists made a sound visual installation exhibition, using light tubes and projections to express electronic music. So I also hope to explore sound from this perspective.

Since I am not a musician, what kind of sound can I create? It is noise. The sounds that I can hear in my daily life are the sounds that I will make when I touch things. I started looking for noises that I could make at home. When observing these noises, each sound has a different rhythm and volume.


At first, I started looking for all kinds of things that could make sounds in the apartment. I try to be more concerned about the sounds that appear in my life at any time than usual, although I ignore them most of the time.

Then I started to record these noises as much as possible with my phone and then listened to these recordings to feel the sense of the sound. After that, I chose voices that I felt were more expressive.

After that, I combined these sounds into long audio in AE. I try to make these noises more harmonious, so I also put several noises in the same time period.

Later, I started to draw these sound images in 2D. I consider how they look in animation from the three aspects of shape, dynamics and volume. At the same time, I also observe the waveform of the audio I recorded.


In response to this theme, I made a rough 2D abstract animation to visualize noises that I made. In fact, in the process of drawing, I have many visual ideas. Therefore, when I finally complete it, I also think that there may be some better visual language or format. But this attempt to think about vision through sound is very helpful. 

About This Work

By Shika X
Email Shika X
Published On: 20/09/2020