Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Play and Tinkering

Method: Used Unity to test and create a scene with lighting.


LIGHTING in Unity-Brackeys

Unity 2017 Tutorial - Lighting a Simple Scene-LMHPoly

Resources used:

 Box.fbx and Finished Unity Scene

Download Room + Monkey:

When I looked thought tutorials about lighting in Unity, I like the outputs of these videos, so I learned knowledges about lighting through these videos and tinkering based on them.


At the beginning I felt like making things about lighting, so I searched for tutorials and created three scenes based on what I learned from the tutorials above. Firstly, I followed the steps they introduced and set up the scene with complete set up of lighting effect mentioned. Then, I changed the scene based on what I created and started to tinker something else and developed iterations of tinkering.

Reflection: When I watched these short videos, I thought it would be easy and fast to set them up, but when I tried it myself, there were a few times that I had issues and needed to search for answers online. For examples, one issue is that it always tells me ‘the gameobject has overlapping UVs’. Next issue was the issue happened when I tried to install post processing package to make it more realistic. I figured them out eventually, but it seems to have some unexpected noise appear at the background (the white box), which is the issue I’ll need to figure out next.

About This Work

By Qi Zhuang
Email Qi Zhuang
Published On: 11/08/2019






minor work


ADP Week 3, APD, APD Week 3, Advanced Play Design, Week 3