Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Time


“Time is an illusion.” ― Albert Einstein

Time is a mysterious thing, we can’t stop it and we can’t go back in time. In history, everyone dreamed of creating a time machine to fix the mistake that affects us. In my childhood, there is a Japanese animation called ‘Doraemon’(1980) about a cat robot from the 22nd century went back time to help his master’s great-grandfather to improve his lives. One of his gadgets was a time travel portal hidden in the desk drawer.

The first time travel has mentioned was H.G. Wells published The Time Machine in 1895, he called it a "scientific romance" because no one knew whether time travel was possible. A mere 10 years later, Albert Einstein would put forth his theory of special relativity, and part of the question would be answered to the astonishment of many in the affirmative.


I want to build a 3d time portal show it in VR


Time portal that shows different time from different space, I create a clock particle in Maya using MASH. After the modelling section is done, I didn’t realize the file will become humongous. Then I change the plan to import to After Effect creates a video file, with darker lighting to give an endless feeling. Time portal is an illusion. 


Maya MASH not many people used it when I was making the particles. I get some feedback that the particles and the ideas were interesting. When I get to the point to edit the video, I render the particles and import to after effect while I’m not familiar with all the effects. Then Sahaj saw my work and he starts to give me some advice at the same time he played around the effects by adding all the effects to make it super bright. At one point he added too many effects can’t even see the texture. When I try to export the file, I accidentally replace another rendering file and everything renders out with ‘EMPTY’ file. At that moment, I thought I play around the effect too much and everything just broke down. I ask Wayne for help, he tries to figure out what is the problem for a while then I realised I replace the rendering file. The playful ideas from this project I think are the moment when we are concentrated with producing our project to make it wonderful if we save some time to let others play around with the project also get some great outcome or ideas. 

About This Work

By Yung Yu Ho
Email Yung Yu Ho
Published On: 08/08/2019






minor work


APD, Advanced Play Design, Prototype, animation, drawing, exercise, gif, ideas, research, sketch