Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and rules


Play with rules, my inspiration is from the game Draw Something. This is a guessing game, the drawing person create pattern which can represent the wold, and other people guess. In my interactive game, I use emoji to play the guessing game. The rule: the person give the title of book which must use an emoji to represent.


First of all, I will list some famous titles, and then choose emoji to represent them for my classmates to guess. I played this game with my classmates on the chatting software.


Rules are one of the most important elements in a game, and the good rules can make people like the game. I think this interactive game can promote the relationship between players, and can also form teams to compete.  The gameplay and operation are simple. This rule can also be changed a little, such as the use emoji to represent the name of a movie.


Rules are everywhere in our lives. Without them, life is messy. When I started thinking about how to play with rules, my mind was limited to how to break a rule because this topic was beyond my field. It took me a couple of weeks to get an idea. It was an interesting practice. 

About This Work

By Zoe Zhang
Email Zoe Zhang
Published On: 03/06/2020