Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play & Place


Playing with a place could be engaging with a simple game in a boring place but the game makes it much more fun. We have seen many sci-fi movies with dazzling effect. Star Wars, Avengers, even though the technique of visual effects is causing the story more convincible, it cannot be ignored that the essential core still keeps satisfying our daily fantasy. people enjoy experiencing something exciting, something may not be supposed to happen in their life and maybe a fantastic hero journey, which is why film companies gain enormous profits.

There is a video which kids play with toys. It sounds like a normal video with nothing special, but it is not. With visual effect, these little guys are looks like having superpowers. The place is just a normal environment, but the way that visualising kids play with toys makes the video ridiculous and playable. So the method of how to play with place would be crucial to the main theme.


Stark and I decided to work together and shoot a short video which is composed of several simple effects. The place is the passageway outside the studio. We use Cinema 4D to make the quake effect and merge it in AfterEffect. We use different strategies to foley the soundtrack, so there are two different versions of the film released on Magisite. 


It is enjoyable to collaborate with Stark to make this short film. To me, the play part was more focused on the work process which is like playing the god to give the actor superpower or make him in danger. it was a normal day and normal environment, but the approach of play makes the place unique. I guess it could be the core of Play & Place.

About This Work

By Wayne (Cao ZhuoWei)
Email Wayne (Cao ZhuoWei)
Published On: 16/08/2019
