Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Advance Play Design Week 4

Theme: Play and Place

A really simple first person jumping(?) game.

Context: I thought about make a fake urban-play game in a digital city use Unity due to the corona virus situation, it's hard for us to go out. But as I downloaded a asset bundle of a city and started thinking about what how to design an urban game, I realized I shouldn't be trapped in a urban game cause it is acctually not real. This idea opend my mind. Then I remembered I often dreamed about flying in the city like the Spiderman when I was a child. So I decided to make a game to make player able to jump freely in the city.

Method: Unity 2020.1.0b1

Response: I did not make a plan when I started searching for free assets. I wanted to find a city scene and try to figure out what kind of urban game is suitable for it, like tinkering. The name was the same, I feel dizzy when I was doing play test, so that name came into my mind and I just took it.

Reflection: I spend too much time to write the code of first person controller cause I never write one before. I learned a lot about Unity during struggled with the camera control and walking control. As a result, I didn't finished some of my ideas due to lack of time. I have thought about other items such as portal door and elevator, which will help the player moving faster and freer in the city. Actually I have made an elevator, but I thought it is so boring to stand on a slowly moving plate just like what we do everyday in the normal life.


Windridge City (A free asset in Unity Store)


The game is so big cause I downloaded a very big free asset bundle... So I upload it to my goodle drive.

Windows Build Version

Project Files

Key Binding:

W, A ,S ,D or arrow keys to move (able to move in the air)

Space to Jump

R to return to the starting point (Due to there are lots of bugs with the collider, you may stuck some where, so I made this function to help you rescue yourself lol)

Esc to quit the game

The jumping detection is not very good so I add a UI on the top left corner to told you if you can jump or not......If you stuck in somewhere that you can not jump out of it, please press R to return to the starting point XD.

About This Work

By Deno Zhang
Email Deno Zhang
Published On: 31/03/2020