Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play & Place


The concept of this production is inspired by a youtuber named ‘Olivia Latham’, she posted a video, ‘the fun theory- pedestrian crossing’. This video focuses on how to make fun when people crossing the street. As a result, I made notice to the zebra crossing, and make a production about it, which is also based on my experience when I crossing the street.



  1. Find a zebra crossing firstly, then randomly walk on it.
  2. Use premiere to edit and add sound effects of piano keys,but to make sure the piano key matches are matching to the zebra crossing.


Before I make this production, I’d thought for a question for a quite long time, how can a make a place lively, or in other words, how can I interact with a place? Then I thought of the zebra crossing on the road. When I cross the road, I always think of the piano. If people cross the road like playing the piano, every step will have a sound, what will happen?  As a result, I made this idea in real, which is this production comes from.

Its quite easily to shoot a video of walking on the zebra crossing, but it took a long time to edit the sound effect on this video. Because I want to match the piano keys and zebra crossing, which means each key for each color. The whole production comes much harder cause I know nothing about music. Fortunately, the result of this production is not bad.

Furthermore, I want to explore the connection between the place and people. Places provide lots of opportunities to people, for example, a place is combined in interaction, which could provide many possibilities for people. As for me, I chose to make something on the physical place, which is the zebra crossing, I’m wondering that is the physical place has as much possibilities as the place with interaction. I found out that sometimes the physical places are limited in some area, but I think this is the basic for most kind of production of places.  It is a good beginning that I make this production about a physical place. I believe there will be more animations related to physical places in the future, I have a better acknowledge according to this experience.

About This Work

By Ruijia Sun
Email Ruijia Sun
Published On: 27/03/2020