Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Play and objects


This week, the theme is Play and Time, in class we discussed some ideas about time, for example, time can be loop, it can be speed up or down. Matt also show us some animations and interactive work, and what impressed me most was a GIF, in which the author reflected the wind by drawing the swaying process of plants in the lake. This picture caught my interest, so I also wanted to use cycle time to show the dynamics of the stroke in a closed pipe blowing from bottom to top.

In order to reflect the idea of cyclic time, I chose animation as the carrier, so the final goal was to make a GIF to respond to this theme. GIFs are inherently cyclical, so how to take advantage of this will become an important consideration.

I started thinking about how to express the flow direction of stroke in an closed pipeline after decided the direction, I eventually consulted with the indoor skydiving, found that when people experience with indoor skydiving, the rising trajectory seems to spiral rise, based on this point I made an animation about the rising and falling of an objects in a closed pipe to express the flow pattern of the wind.


Make a GIF about rising and falling of an object in a closed pipe to express the flow pattern of the wind. The object in the pipe have to has a certain weight,because the reference is based on people so weight might influence the trajectory. When making this project, I use procreate to add animation, cause when the animation is not very complicated, it can make the progress more quickly and easily.


After deciding to use the cyclic characteristics of GIF to respond to the theme of time cycle, I thought that the GIF carrier could not only use the movement track of objects to represent the track of wind, but also can show the strength of wind. For example, when an object rises to a certain height, then makes the object move down in the same way, which can be regarded as the decrease in the strength of the wind in a closed pipe.

When selecting the object in the closed pipe, I saw the mug on the table, and finally decided to choose the object as the mug, because it has a certain weight, and the mug is basically symmetrical on both sides, which will reduce the error between the motion track of the object under the influence of wind and the track in the reference。


This is the first time for me to use the theme of cycle time to make an animation about wind. It is more interesting than expected, and I think there is still room for improvement in the rendering effect of animation, such as the coloring of mugs. The animation of the mug was not colored due to time constraints. Anyway, I think there are a lot of possibilities under the concept of time cycle, and I hope I can explore this topic more in the future.


GIF works

earthquake /Cat Cafe 

( here is the link of a series of creative GIFs)


About This Work

By Rui Liu
Email Rui Liu
Published On: 22/03/2021