Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Play and Stillness

Creating a digital 2D animation in Adobe Animate where I show how you could potentially see both chaos and serenity with one event just through the idea of zooming in and out.

David OReilly’s (2014) - Mountain Steam game (timestamped at 12:53 to show the zoom out feature)

I was inspired by how you could ultimately play the game both zoomed in and observing everything up close, or zoomed out where you could just hear the action from afar accompanied by subtle movements.

As an animator I wanted to take an idea I had gotten from a playthrough of a game to showcase two different perspectives of a specific event and how it could be perceived completely differently based on the scale you looked at it. This week I focused on the keyword ‘disruption’ and ‘concepts’.

My concept for this week was to try and attempt to show the connotation of stillness: zen, serenity, calmness and subtlety; and juxtapose it with their antonym counterparts. The idea I came up with was to show how a certain event could be viewed differently if it were to be viewed from afar. I think it’s a good way to show how an objective event can still be interpreted differently based on perception.

My premise for my studio 3 project is about taking a straightforward journey of a tired boy going from his desk to his bed, and then elongating it and exaggerating it as much as possible to show the perspective of how the boy may feel in his drowsy state. In his mind, the small steps to his bed feels like an eternity due to his tiredness. I think this exercise helped me understand how I could implement two different viewpoints based on one event. It also showed me that I could make the journey feel urgent by increasing the tempo of the gestures and veering away from the idea of ‘stillness’. 
For my exercise, I actually wanted to show more stages of emotion by zooming out in increments of 20%. However due to time constraint, I just showed the most extreme zoom of 100% and 0%.

About This Work

By JeeHoon Oh
Email JeeHoon Oh
Published On: 27/09/2018


play, context, production


animation, written


major work, component work


APD, Advanced, Week 10, APDW10, Advanced play, Advanced play design