Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Place


Those are some picture drawed with some interesting creatures. The adding painting on photos is a good way to play with the place in photos.


I take several videos on Saturday (with sufficient sunshine) in Blakburn, facing a crossing road. And chose one video which is about a traffical road. 

Then i add small animation into the video by using adolbe effect to make it like a game. The coin was simplely made by rounded rectangle, and change the [Transform-Scale] to make it looks like rotating. Also the position is changed follow by the car. Moreover, the rabbit's scale change make it looks like breath.


At first, i want draw some cute creatures in the video like the references given above, But it is only me play with the picture. I need to think more about how to make other people interactive with it. Kate give me some ideas, like: start a topic, then collect photos of people on the internet/ins based on the topic, and then paint those collected photo. It indeed more interactive, i struggle on what topic i can foucs on. Photos taken by different people need to have one thing in common. I wonder wheather the traffic light can be the topic. But later, i find the traffic lights are not obvious in the video and the video is too long to draw. After i back home, i change my idea slightly: I observe those video and find the moving cars are attracting and regular, so i decided to add coin on every top of the car, which looks like a game. the player can controll the rabit cross the road and get the score when jump on the car. It can be a AR game and use on every street. Although i still didn't complete the game, it just a concept and demonstrate by an animation.

About This Work

By Joyce Huang
Email Joyce Huang
Published On: 18/08/2019




live action




AGI Studio2, APD