Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Create a game in which we can use the agency of play to transform actual artefacts into digital forms, merge these worlds, and connect them to variable degrees.

This week , I wanted to explore generative art through force from my hand. At first I thought of how I can play with pushing a stack of dominos to create a chain reaction through sound. As I was researching how the human hand can manipulate an outcome generatively through their inert  force , I discovered generative art. The effectiveness of generative text is the result of an interplay between the design of the generator and the human audience. The best generators lean heavily on the human element, using rich associations and loaded structures to convince the reader to project meaning onto the text, which itself is very often structurally simple. All of this is to say that a large part of the design of text generators is psychology.

I found a generative text site and played with it which was lots of fun. Using the force of my hand with relative pressure points, the scale of the sentences changed creating empahis in some words. This made me realise ways I can incorporate this within animation by creative emphasis in text  and changing the meaning completely. 

Game Rules: 

Create a story from by moving your cursor along a screen and using pressure within parts of the story to create emphasis



About This Work

By Monique Kemboi
Email Monique Kemboi
Published On: 06/04/2022