Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

FitBit data based card game


Competitive Card games like Magic the Gathering and fitness games like wii Fit I designed a card game that used the results from the fitness exercise to give yourself a competitive edge over the other players


Using unity I took the information that can be download from Fitbit data and selected different areas of the exercise to be placed on the corners of the cards. When placed on a board each card can see the neighbouring cards and can compare the values to determine which card is the winner.  The losing cards is then added to the winning cards team


The response is a simple two player card game that can be played competitively and allows the user to bump up the attributes of the card by exercising more. The more the player exercise the bigger their chance of winning


While the card game was a good idea having only my own Fitbit data results to go by made it hard to determine what range the values for the card should be and what is a high value for exercise vs what a low value is.

About This Work

By Chris Jones
Email Chris Jones
Published On: 28/04/2020


APD week 7 play and Body