Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This is a video included all 9 exercises, and the thoughts and summary are in another text document.

Week 1-Week 5

In first half semester, I focus on special visual effect and how to match character and scene reasonably in 2D animation. In my studio 2 project, I study the psychological impact of the picture effect on the audience in 2D animation, and how the picture can convey emotion besides the story itself. I want to add freehand elements to my 2D animations to make lines and colors more free and expressive, rather than using regular lines and coloring. So, in these 5 tasks of APD, I try to do a few animations, they all show different visual effects. In addition to the computer, I used different animation carriers, such as Hamburger paper and disposable cups that two animations. I think the unexpected visuals in animations tend to impress the audience, and I find that animations can be played not only in the screen, but also in carries in daily life. The idea of breaking the routine and making a reasonable but accurate transmission of emotion is something that I hope can also be used in Studio 2 Project. Second, I am looking at how to make the character and scene more match in my studio animation, because in this animated project I weakened the scene, most of the time the scene is simply summed up with a few lines, so I want to be able to interact with each other, rather than separate, segmented individuals. So, in the APD tasks, I try to think out and use the scene to associate the character action. I think about how to connect two (scene and character Actions) seemingly unrelated things, and then do three small exercises in week 3, week 4 and Week 5.


Week 7-Week 10

In last half semesterI research 2D animation skills like how to use lines to create smooth actions? what kind of picture effect will be produced by different types of lines? So, in these four tasks of APD, I do animations to test.  In week 7, I do a transition between line shape and specific character. I think this task help me do an action more freehand and beautiful because in addition to an action keyframe, in-between frames can be any form and can be unconventional. In week 9 and 10, I use two different types of lines to draw two animations. The emotions expressed by different lines are different, so, depending on the plot and the shot, it is reasonable to make appropriate changes to the lines. These line tests and study help me understand line power and, in my 2D animation of Studio project, I make some changes to the lines, different lines are used in different shots, which makes the animation more artistic and free.  In addition, these line animation practices in APD help me understand the principles of action and law of motion, which means that I can draw smoother movements in 2D animation.


In conclusion, I was inspired to do the Studio 2 project in this semester of APD study, and each task helps me to study the field I want to know and open my mind.

About This Work

By Qiling Guo
Email Qiling Guo
Published On: 11/10/2018