Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week’s work explores the relationships we have with our experiences of reality, how we decide what reality is and how our behaviour changes based on that reality.

The characters in this story have cameras on their heads that transmit footage of the world around them to a handheld screen. Most people in this world rely on this footage to form their basis of reality, never really looking up from their handheld screen. Through a series of vignettes, I explore the various ways that these realities manifest and interact with one another. Animation allows me to explore themes of reality with strong visual metaphor and intertwined vignettes. 

My work was inspired by ‘You See’ by Kalonica Quigley ( where you explore a space populated with past versions of yourself, doing the same thing. As more ‘yous’ populate the scene, you may start to note the complex relationship and interplay between them. What was seemingly an empty space at first soon becomes electrified with unique and purposeful interaction.

In previous weeks, I skipped rough idea sketching and moved straight into production as I honestly find mind-maps more trouble then they are worth. I find it easier to reify my ideas in my head and so I don’t really try to make my notes legible. However, I feel my storytelling elements have been lacking so this week I wanted to really focus on rough idea exploration instead of polished production. Once I was done, I was worried that my notes were too messy and illegible to an outside observer so I decided to polish up my storyboard too. This was tedious rework but it’s tricky to find the balance between exploring ideas, and having them be easily understood to others.

About This Work

By Duncan Corrigan
Email Duncan Corrigan
Published On: 21/09/2021


Animated Narratives, Animated Narratives Week 8