Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This work examines the weekly topic “light” through mind maps and a piece of illustration. By extending the idea of relationship between light and shadow, I am able to create characters based on their connection of existence. This work is the image of light and shadow as a young child, playing what the light character thinks that called hide and seek, but the thing that happens is shadow exists only when light facing the objects.  

  • What if light and shadow are a young child.
  • Light thinks that shadow plays hide and seek with her.
  • Light keeps finding the shadow.
  • She finds out that she can only see the shadow when she faces the objects.

This work is similar to the animation ‘Alight’ (2011) by Jason Keyser, whose work is a story about relationship between two contrast character –fire and water.

About This Work

By Fawn Ritwiwat
Email Fawn Ritwiwat
Published On: 26/05/2020