Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Observation

Context: I took inspiration from the post-apocalyptic urban overgrowth in Naughty Dog's videogame: The Last of Us. Also the same overgrowth patterns in the Hollywood movie: I Am Legend

Method: By micro and macro visual observation, sense if touch and captring with photography and videography. I attempted to observe the patterns or non-patterns of how nature slowly tries to form an organic, spontaneous, but at the same time harmonious creeping coexistence with man made urban elements. It could also feel as if the foliage or nature is a slow but unstoppable alien force that is constantly in attrition with man made landscapes.

Response: I wanted to express my emotional and observational response in realtime footage combined with footage manipulation, and masking. 

About This Work

By Carlo Tolentino
Email Carlo Tolentino
Published On: 06/03/2019




animation, cinematic


CPS, CPS Week 1