Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

weather effect:

Petplant seed planting:


1.  How can a user immerse effectively in a plant-growing game?

2. What kind of external data can be applied in an interactive game?

  • How can growing plant mobile game integrate with weather API in Unity?

What I did in folio2:

1. The integration of The weather API and interactive prototype.

2. Rotation Object or Camera by dragging the mouse(touch).

3. Making weather effects in Unity.

4. Generating the corresponding weather effects of weather in the real world.

5.  A function of seed function to compensate for tree growth and new tree unlocking by using seed.

6. Prototype test and get feedback and adjustment.

: I made seed planting and wither A withered plant.

Following tasks for studio4:

1. Fixing the problem of not having the weather data when the game is built on mobile.

2. The fruit settings that vary depending on the user’s weather choice. 

3. Creating other immediate plant outcomes depending on the weather the user chooses to make the user's choice meaningful.

4. Adding more weather features that the user can play.
5. Modification available weather effects(buttons), according to the real-time weather.

(Ex: Disable the sun button in sunny weather)

6. Put a limit of time to play the weather buttons.

(Ex: Once you play the weather, you can play it again in 30 minutes.)

About This Work

By Yeunji Kim
Email Yeunji Kim
Published On: 05/07/2019