Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Rationale: Which size for pixel art is much suitable?

The size of my pixel work is a problem that confuses me. Pixel art needs to use the limitation pixel dots to generalize the artwork, but I draw too much in detail. 

context: I do the research about the color palette and find two pixel artist make the 3d+ pixel

          Filipe Dilly, he uses Blender to make 3d pixel art,

          Nare loy use 3D max and substance painter 


Method: I draw two sizes of my character and tomorrow I will ask some feedback that which one much better then I will continue to make the pixel assets. After talking to Kate, I try to put my pixel asset in unity, but I meet the technique problem, so I need to find the remedial measures. I will find solution tomorrow. 

Outcomes: two sizes of the character 

                  Other stuff in pixel 

                  trying to put pixel assets in unity but fail.


About This Work

By Dano Li
Email Dano Li
Published On: 03/07/2020