Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
  • DAY 4 Today’s List of things to do:

  • For today because yesterday I got stuck and wasn’t a productive Day, I have the same list as day 3 but with some additions because I have to make up for the time lost.
  • Get the follow camera working to target each tower individually.
  • Research a bit about Split-screen and multiplayer in Unity

·     Code the input of two different mics to control the different towers.

·     Arrange UI two a two player UI.

  • Change Fonts UI.
  • Create Multiplayer part of Menu.
  • End of Day what was done:
  • After finishing to code the Game Manager I tested the result and came to the problem that the camera still didn’t follow each player individually and that the materials that I was using for the towers where getting mix.
  • After revising to see what was the problem in the code and talking to Homie I decided to throw away this iteration and start all over again and separate the code individually by copying it to each player individually, even thou I know that it might work is a lot of work because I have to go through the code and make sure everything is being called correctly.
  • After doing that step by step trying not to mess anything tested it and the camera is working it follows each player individually.
  • I then divided the UI to each player individually as well, at the moment the Distance slider is not working for player 2.
  •  I changed as well the planet that the players start from, didn’t really like the one I made days before.
  •  I created the multiplayer button in the main menu and coded as well that part, the game now can be change to be played from multiplayer to single player if you want to as well.
  • I changed the fonts of the UI as well.
  • Next tasks.
  •  At the moment I don’t know why the distance slider is not working for player two so I will have a look at that.

    I will Code the input of two different mics to control the different towers individually.

    Test how those the use a different mic for 2 players have to the experience of the game.

     Start working on the multiplayer level.

About This Work

By Fabian Mora Marino
Email Fabian Mora Marino
Published On: 28/06/2019








AGI Workshop