Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In week 4 I worked on my character’s colour and attempted animating. Following my weekly goal of blinking, I made my character blink. At first, thought I could open and close his eyes and that would look normal, but it ended up looking rigid and artificial. After watching a couple of Youtube tutorials on blinking in 2D animation, I realised the secret formula to animating a regular blink is more complicated than that, but it is still pretty simple. Following the instructions, I started animating the character from the beginning and the result was much better this time.

Failed version

Final version

If I want to give myself some feedback I guess it would be, to look at tutorials for animating simple movements and to read books on 2D animation, because it would be less time consuming than winging it and doing trials and errors, so from next week I will research first and then attempt at animating.

Moving forward I need to start having more complex goals for my character. I should also discuss the audio aspect of the work with the Max and Uyen. Even If I don’t get to make it, I would like to write about it, because it sets the mood for the work. Even though its early stages, but I want this genre called minimal music for my work. One aspect that defines this genre is this repetitive looping nature that evolves and builds over time and that helps to reflect the modular nature of the environments and the growing suspense of the story. I also need to stop spending too much time on the writing and not enough time on the experimentation and continue setting a new goal for next week.

About This Work

By Bycharlotte
Email Bycharlotte
Published On: 16/08/2020