Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

 Tried to incorporate the parallax effect in a meaningful way into the cutscenes. My favourite is the funeral one where the layers of people talking look like a ghost until you move your mouse .

I have some more artworks to complete, including the sakura branch and sakura trees. I also considered having animations for the clouds and have a kind of glowing animation to guide the player underwater. Moving the clouds to let the sunshine through would be a bit more challenging to the player than simply letting the player go down immediately.

That also brings me to the idea of the player not being able to click anything but the Koi girl as soon as the game starts. So that they’ll be forced to get a grasp of the story before they start clicking random things without any purpose.

From the coding side, my idea was to enable and disable colliders when variables are triggered. But now that I know more, I think it’ll be easier to have it in if statements.

I want to make a configuration panel but I’ll nix the idea if it takes too long, I still have a lot of things to do.

~ #kaykay #kkstudio2wk9

About This Work

By Kay
Email Kay
Published On: 06/10/2020