Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Progress Video:

General Progress

x Figured out animate on mouse enter/exit

 x Created and incorporated ‘Say dialog’ and ‘menu dialog base’ base

x Cursors don’t work with webGL so include a downloaded version of the game

Bolt Progress

xDecided to do scene loading with fungus because of its easy transition with views

To Do List

O Need more layers and additional elements to support the parallax effect

o Write full script 5%

X Redo placeholders according to colour scheme 

X Dialog Box

X Animation placeholders


Scene Progress

Start Scene

Load scene with transition

Main Scene

Load scene with transition

Ana Scene

Load scene with transition

Say Dialog Box Speech bubble for Ana

Say menu /speech  bubble for player

Lake Scene (New scene)

Imported Assets

Applied Parallax Effect

#kaykay #kkstudio2wk4

About This Work

By Kay
Email Kay
Published On: 25/08/2020