Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Fran Bow

Fran Bow is a surreal horror RPG developed by Killmonday Games, which follows a little girl in a mental institution. The gameplay involves searching for objects in the game world in order to combine and use them to solve puzzles.

The story is one of pain, loss and acceptance but in a roundabout and surreal way, as seen through the eyes of a young child. The game also didn't provide any clear explanation for the events, rather trusting the player to form their own opinions of the world as it is presented. In the case of a significant theme such as this, it’s important to make it clear that not everyone deals with grief the same way. I think the game did a good job in creating a surreal and subjective environment to explore this.

The unique point of Fran Bow is the dramatic changes to the scenery, changing it from the already creepy interior of a mental asylum to a much more hyper-realistic and gory place. This occurs when the player takes a certain medicine, thus giving the player control over when and where to make the change. The puzzles can also be solved if you move between the two worlds so it serves as an important game play feature.

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About This Work

By Kay
Email Kay
Published On: 11/05/2020