Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Pokémon: Let's Go

Pokémon: Let's Go is 2018 remakes of the 1998 role-playing video game Pokémon Yellow. Players can directly observe the wild Pokémon when facing wild Pokémon, instead of battling them with the traditional battle system like in past games, the catching of Pokémon uses a system that is reminiscent of the mobile spin-off game Pokémon Go. This work informs me that When using zombies instead of Pokémon, I can use the concept of Pokémon let ’s go to allow zombies to appear in the picture.

Super Smash Bros.

Super Smash Bros is a series of crossover fighting video games, This game features many characters from Nintendo's most popular franchises, including Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, Yoshi and Pokémon etc. Players can choose characters from different games to fight. This work informs me that the gameplay can be more diverse and not limited to one game, as is the animation. Characters can be changed from one gameplay to another.

About This Work

By Marcus
Email Marcus
Published On: 03/06/2020