Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


This story rich game is quite interesting as the player controls a household vacuum cleaning robot. Looking into using visual aesthetics to be a part of my project and the use of 3D printing as a physical object that can be detected in AR. Grabbing certain aesthetics in this game would be beneficial for augmentation of a digital space in the real world as it could be a window of what could things be in the future. This of course would be in the realms of “what could things look like as time passes” as this can be the theme of my project. Rumu has a very clean and sterile environment design and feel futuristic due to what I can only say as a post-processing filter. The game uses light that makes the environment and overall feel standout and somehow feel it has a Tron aesthetic due to the style Rumu has.

I aim to design a virtual space with the use of 3D modelling software and initial sketch designs and then 3D print them in one colour as my personal 3D printer only does one colour print but I can do two colour prints yet the time and process will be very tedious. I can add colour onto the physical models by painting on them.

Yorkshire Tea Ad Campaign [ 1:42 – 2:08 ]

When looking for AR projects or concepts done by companies, one that stood out was a campaign done by Yorkshire Tea, they took AR as a tool for the user to view a virtual world from a page off a book by scanning the page as an image target and are able to interact with this virtual world through the phone. I want to achieve the same idea but instead of interacting with the virtual space, user will be able to interact with the physical objects to change the virtual world. This idea is about the effect of human interaction with the objects provided.

About This Work

By Kim Dela Cruz
Email Kim Dela Cruz
Published On: 23/04/2020