Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

To save you from reading the long text below, here's a few of my rough ideas to undertake in this Folio.

  1. Continue developing my video game concept for a horror/suspense side scroller platformer, that I started development back in the workshop intensive.
  2. Create a short animated film, 1-2 minutes, that can either feature:
    1. Lip Sync work (as I haven't done a lot of it).
    2. Fight/ Intense scenes (as I've yet to try any combat work before.
  3. Possibly generate an idea for a dating simulator video game (least favourite idea, but a backup in case).

1- RATIONALE: Intention

Within this semester’s folio, there’s a few different tasks that I’m interested in pursuing. I’ve come into the Masters course with mainly animation knowledge, but I’m really interested in developing gaming work as well. 

A few weeks before the 2nd semester began, I worked within the Master’s Intensive subject, where I developed a concept of a gaming idea. The general idea was that it would be a horror/thriller based side scrolling game, akin to games like Limbo, and Detention. Since this was only a 2 week subject i only had time to briefly scratch the surface of concept development, really spending more time testing rigging and coding within Unity and Spine. I really feel the concept has a lot of potential, so it’s the main project I’m thinking of developing further. 

Alternatively, I think making a dating sim sort of game would be easy to do and would be a lot of fun as well. I have no ideas to work on, but it’s an idea to develop possibly. 

Besides this, I really would also be interested in creating another animated short film. Likely within the time limit of 1-3 minutes, I’d like to create a short film and practice lip syncing in particular. I’ve created small animated pieces in the past with lip syncing, but nothing that goes over 30 seconds. There’s several pieces of audio work that I’d love to create a visual work of. I’d also like to try practice work on fighting/action scenes, so a small project would be great to get some development on. 

2- CONTEXT : Field 

I’ll be mainly focusing on work overall within the 2D animation field. While 3D animation can certainly be amazing in its own right, my personal interest and passion lies with 2D. No matter the context of it, I find 2D animation is incredibly powerful and limitless in its potential, unlike 3D works. 

Depending again on the chosen task I undertake, there’s several points of personal inspiration. There’s plenty of animators and game developers that I aspire to be like, creating my own projects within similar fields to their own. Such people within gaming would include those like Toby Fox, studios like Red Candle Games, and within animation studios like Tit Mouse, Studio Trigger, and Ghibli.

3- METHOD: Conceptual, Technical, Craft & Management

If I am to develop my video game idea, it’s unlikely I’ll be able to make much outside of a prototype of particular assets. This studio project will be about exploring the concept itself, and will likely be continued further within Studio 3 and 4 next year. This would be a great time to further flesh out the overall idea, as all I have at the moment is a base concept and idea for gameplay, not much in terms of story, and the original character concept was a bit lacking.

Creating an animated short, this’ll mostly go towards furthering my portfolio itself rather than leading to further development in the future. Since I haven’t tried creating works that are lip synced in long lengths or fight scenes, it would certainly help to broaden my folio and show my animation potential.


Depending on the final selected talk I go ahead with, there’s a few different programs I’ll be likely using. 

If I go ahead with the gaming idea, I’ll likely be using Unity, Photoshop/Clip Studio Paint, and possibly TV Paint.

Meanwhile, if I go ahead with the animation project, I’ll be using TV Paint, Animate, possibly Toon Boom, and After Effects.

Within early stages of development it’ll be likely I’ll just be sketching and creating concepts within clip studio, so for the next week that’ll be the main software I’ll be using. 

About This Work

By Summah Briggs
Email Summah Briggs
Published On: 03/08/2020