Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Play and Stillness

  1. Method: 

Using the particle system in Unity 3D trying to create a cinematic environment for the game in as a learning curve.

  1. Context:  

The game idea is inspired by a game called "Journey" 2012

  1. Response

The game is an open-world adventure game were player controls a mystical spirit adventurer who is traveling through nature for afterlife. The world is made up of beautiful scenic environments like flowers, grass, waterfalls, and mountains. The player goal is to complete the journey through afterlife by exploring the nature and soul-searching to find the meaning of life.

Travel slowly through the level to enjoy the scenic beautiy and soak in the environment designed to motivate the player. The game is about tackling the players though emotions, the outcome of the game depends on how player travels through the level to the end goal. The faster they travel the scarier or difficult the journey becomes the world turns into a dark dull space with mostures, ghosts, and creatures. The slower they travel by enjoying and experiencing the nature calmer and beautiful the level becomes.

The game is about a beautiful journey through experiences and learning curve though nature which we as humans have forgotten nowadays in our modern busy lifes. Instead of rushing through levels of the game to achieve the end goal of the game.

About This Work

By Satyak Joshi
Email Satyak Joshi
Published On: 28/09/2018








ADP, Advanced Play Design