Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

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Play and Place


The topic this week is about place. In my mind, a place is like a playground, a station, a stadium or a classroom, any area that looks like can stand for the word “place”. 

The first idea that came to my mind was a micro city. The Ultraman is produced in this way. They make a micro city where the building is half meters tall so that the people and the monster look giant in this little building. The small building and other elements can be made by paper or cardboard which is easy. However, I could not find any theme that I want to present through the micro city. So I went to the canvas website to see if any other information can help me to get an idea. On the canvas, it mentions the boardgame. I start with board games to get ideas. The board game named board game is because it is played on the board. What if the game is not played on the board, but using the similar gameplay to play at other places?

The first idea of a board game is about the water. It needs a cup and a large amount of glass balls. At the beginning, the first player needs to pour some water into the cup and the game starts. The turn of the players are one by one. For each turn, one player can place 1-3 glass balls into the cup. Till the end, the player who placed the glass ball and the water inside the cup is full and leaked to the outside is defeated. It feels like another version of Jenga. However, personally I think this is a good game and very interesting, I do not have any glass balls or anything that can replace the glass balls. So I did not present this idea as the content of this theme. 

Based on the water element, I have a lot of ideas about gameplay. The water reminds me of things that I played when I was bored on the dining table when I was young. It is an idea about water and oil. I think this is very interesting and this game works well in the water so I present this as the content for this week project.


The things for the game are a container, water, oil and a stick. Pour the water into the container and then add oil into the water. The amount of oil can not be large. Do not let the oil fully cover the surface of water. After a short time of waiting, now you can use the stick to play with the oil.


As we all know that the water and oil will stratificate.When you use a stick to touch a oil bubble, the bubble will follow the stick. So there are a lot of things that you can play with the oil. Below is the way I found.

  • Bring the bubbles together.

  • Create water bubbles in the oil bubbles and see how many water bubbles exist in the oil bubbles at the same time.

  • Mess up the oil bubbles to enjoy the view of oil bubbles.

These three methods are all presented in the video. These three methods can also apply in competition, such as who can bring the bubbles together fast or one person add water bubbles in the oil bubbles and others do the opposite action. There must be other methods that I did not discover, hope anyone who sees this can find out more.


For this week, I got a lot of ideas and lots of them are interesting and playable. But the limit of some ideas is I do not have enough material to present them, which is quite sad. The work I present is the thing I really liked when I was young. I am happy that I can present this game to others. The most difficult thing about making the video is that the oil and the water is clear. If there is not a strong sunlight, it is hard to video the movement of the oil. You can see the part of the container under the shadow does not provide a clear sight. I am glad that I record the video in the morning. Or I need to find a way to make the oil outstanding from the water.

About This Work

By Erin Zhang
Email Erin Zhang
Published On: 09/04/2021