Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

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Play and Object


For this week, we look at the objects in the tutorial. Most of the work that I remember that has shown on the tutorial is all about sound or music. Firstly, I do think about the play about the sound, but I did not get much good ideas about this. Then I think about the other sense, especially the sight, because sight and sound are the two kinds of sense that can easily present through a video. For the same topic at CPS, I used the box of biscuits to make a kind of medicine bottle looking. This gives me an idea that I can play a little bit about the box or the cardboard. 

I was starting to brainstorm in the evening, think about what objects are and how to play with objects. The previous work shows that many people are playing with the source of input to the computer. Because there are already so many people doing that and I did not have any thought about this area. Then I turn to think about whether there is anything around me that is useful and can be played and redesign. Then lamps give me a thought that I can play about the light. The combination of the light and cardboard reminds me of a kind of lantern, which can self revolve. The theory of this kind of lantern is that candles create heat and make the air expand so that the part of the lantern gets this force and starts revolving. However, I do not have candles and anything to get a fire source. So I analyze what the self revolving lantern brings us. Except for the self revolving, the side of the lantern has beautiful hole design. Through the hole on the side, the light of candles can display a beautiful shadow on the wall. So I started to make the lantern based on this idea, to present a beautiful shadow on the wall.

At the beginning, I cut some shape and make it like a mask, but later I found this does not work well because the light of the phone is diffused. But when I tested the lastest idea, I found that the color of the box looks really warm and peaceful under the light, then an idea came to my mind, to make it like a bedside lamp with some cute, lovely shadows.


The material for the works includes a whole box, some boxes, cardboard and a light. Below are the steps how I create the lantern.

  • Draw the shadow of the things that I want to present on the cardboard.

  • Cut the cardboard and then stick the cardboard inside the whole box.

  • Adjust the angle of the light to present the work.


To create a good looking shadow, I search the illustration for kids on google, try to find out the best scene that can be presented on the lantern. Then I draw it on the cardboard and cut it down and place it inside the box. After placing all the elements for one scene, I open the light inside the box to check the position and the view of the element is good or not and adjust the elements. Because I use the box of energy bars to make the lantern, the box is full of colors under the daylight. So the lantern can only work at night time. It requires the user to switch off the light in the house so that the shadow of the lantern can present more clearly and reduce the effect from the original colors of the box. The warm color feeling of the lantern is because of the material of the box. For any other color, you can apply different types of boxes as the lantern to get. If you use the plastic bottle of the Sprite, the color of the lantern will be green.


At the stage to find ideas, it is hard at the beginning because I did not have any thought at the start so I look at the previous work from other students. Others’ works and others’ ideas limit my brain. So I spent a long time breaking the mind, to find out other possibilities. When I got stuck because the diffuse light from the phone could not present the effect I wanted, I was really worried and felt like the project needed to go back to the beginning, until I suddenly found that I can do the lantern in another way. I changed my plan this time but I am curious about how often the designers change their mind,  idea or the plan during the production and how the designers decided to keep continuing with this idea or change the plan to do the other idea. I do not know which one is the best way, I will find out the answer in the later productions.

About This Work

By Erin Zhang
Email Erin Zhang
Published On: 17/03/2021