Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

The theme I chose for this week is Flow.

In my studio (3) this semester, I'm trying to explore people's lack of spacial awareness and attention deficit.

Bases on this, I plan to generate an interactive animation to pull the attention of individuals to their surroundings.

"Flow" is something I keep coming back to in order to understand what makes one's surroundings perceptible.

Image 1 is about water flowing, it's something RMIT students pass by every day, it pulls the attention of every person walking by despite of being on their phone (as it also makes noise). That also makes people open up the walkway for the incoming cars.

Image 2 is the fluid graffiti drawn at Hoiser lane which induces a sense of motion in a still place. A subtle flow of abstract elements.

Image 3 is a classic example of slow growth as the vines have been growing on the wall beautfully while they flow through the walls.

Image 4 is pretty much the very reason for my chosen topic in the studio, people not having any awareness of their surroundings because of thier phones. As I was walking back on Swanston street, the signal turned green for pedestrians to walk (as seen in the picture), this young lady carelessly stands, with blatant disregard for her surroundings. I was able to take the picture, move past and cross and she remained there getting in the way of many others. Absolutely breaking the flow of everyone.

Image 5 is the crosswalk between RMIT and Melbourne central full of life as huge chunks of people are always flowing through it.

Image 6 displays lovely construction workers working hard and making sure the flow of traffic remains smooth.

Image 7 consists of escalators at 101 Collins St, something that manages the flow of people all the time, every day.

About This Work

By Homie
Email Homie
Published On: 13/03/2019






Professional Preproduction