Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

First week of Studio 2

We were asked to create 200 sketches related to our chosen practice for the semester.

My plan is to create a functioning prototype of my virtual reality experience 'A Hidden World'. In completing these sketches I have decided to use modular modeling techniques to create a fantasy/ European style town that will distort around the user based on the trigger they encounter within the environment i.e. candle going out, dying tree, gate etc.

This plan is still very similar to the original idea I formulated in Studio 1 but has been reduced in terms of scale, as I am planning to create only one small section of this environment to ensure I will have a completed project by the time week 13 rolls around

About This Work

By Rachel Nixon
Email Rachel Nixon
Published On: 23/07/2018








Studio 2