Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Play and Place

This week’s theme was a bit more difficult in trying to associate it with my discipline as an animator. I wanted to use mixed realities--the idea of putting something in a location it is unfamiliar with.

For the exercise this week, I wrote myself down as both 2D and 3D animator as well as the word “linear”. I felt this describes a lot of my work that is very checkpoint based with a start and end rather than jumping around different points. The keywords I chose this time for APD were “inquiry”, “disruption”, and “concept”. For Place, I focused on the keywords “relocation” and “representation”.

Because I chose the keyword “inquiry” for my APD, I created a mini research question that would lead to the creation of my work. The inquiry was “What would happen if a 2D character entered a 3D world?”. This allowed me to use both a 2D and 3D software I was familiar with and tie in with my discipline. I also worded the question this way because we discussed that Place can be tackled where you relocate an object or an idea and place it in an unfamiliar environment to see how it would behave or adapt. I also incorporated interactivity by requiring me, the player to be present in order to time the 2 softwares to play adjacent to one another to create the illusion that they coexist in the same area but are encapsulated by 2 different realms.

About This Work

By JeeHoon Oh
Email JeeHoon Oh
Published On: 13/08/2018


background, play, context


animation, written


prototype, sketch


APD, APDW04, Advanced, Advanced Play Design, Week 4