Google Home promotion commercial: Get most out of your google home: Family scene Google commercial: I'm everywhere, with you. //social credit //costantly collecting data - bio/social //prediction of movement/behaviour //Location update - Hey google to activate (activation screen) - "Help me with my homework." (Constantly learning and analysing voice) - "What does a lion sound?" - "Show me something on tv." (Administration access to other devices, gaining control of light, leisure) - "Play music/ this game" "google turn it into a competition of love and compasion" (social behaviour - select based on personal bio data) - "What is the first event on my calender" "It's xxx at xxx, [giving extra information here]" - "Broadbast breakfast is ready." - "Remind me to take this to XX's place at 5pm." - "Hey google, drop a beat." "If you want a freestyle, my friend has you covered."/"Echo always knows what songs to play and it always sound great (Known personal preference on news and music.) - "Hey google, how do I get to Dr.XXX's dental?" "The quickest way to go is via xxx, I've sent the routine to your phone." (know mass profiles location data, know users location, delivering information without granting a permission first) - "Hey google, find my phone." (location service & permission? to call) - "Alexa, turn down thermostat" - "It's always on and it can hear you from anywhere in the room using its far-field technology." - "Add wrapping paper to the shopping list." (analystic based on previous purchasing habit can predict user's psycological consuming pattern and behaviour) - "Alexa give me the morning news briefing." (Knows what is going on in the other parts of the world - set expectations. - "You can access the app from anywhere." (Gives it access to us everywhere too) - "Hi Siri, order 10 more bottles of wine from Amazon." "Due to terms of conditions, I cannot do that unless administration is granted from the user." "okay adminstration access granted." ... - "Hey siri, stop." "hey siri, stop!!!"