Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
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Showing Works By
Studio 1 - Week 4
By Cantug Sahiner James
Studio 1 - Week 3
Studio 1 - Week 3
By Cantug Sahiner James
Animated Narratives - Week3
Animated Narratives - Week3
By Cantug Sahiner James
CPS Week03 - Found Object
By Cantug Sahiner James
[Studio 1] WIP Video Week 1-2
[Studio 1] WIP Video Week 1-2
By Cantug Sahiner James
Animated Narratives Week 2
By Cantug Sahiner James
[CPS] Week 2 - Tinkering
[CPS] Week 2 - Tinkering
By Cantug Sahiner James
CPS: Week 1 - Observation
By Cantug Sahiner James
Studio 1 - Week 1: Folio Plan
Studio 1 - Week 1: Folio Plan
By Cantug Sahiner James